2013年12月14日嫦娥三号成功在虹湾着陆区软着陆,后续开展两器分离、两器互拍等任务.本文利用同波束VLBI技术同时观测着陆器和月球车发射的信号,解算含整周模糊度的差分相时延(Differential Phase Delay),监视着陆器和月球车两器分离和两器互拍等过程的月球车各种动作.同时,研究和分析月球车行走、转弯、晃动、高程变化等动作导致的差分相时延变化,发现同波束VLBI差分相时延监视月球车动作的灵敏度在50–100 mm之间,后续利用差分相时延变化趋势进行相对定位.同波束VLBI技术在后续的探月三期、火星探测、金星探测等双目标、多目标探测中也将发挥重要作用.
On December 14, 2013, Chang’e III successfully landed at the landing area of Hongwan, followed by the task of separating the two devices and interlacing the two devices.In this paper, the signals emitted by the lander and lunar rover were observed by the same beam VLBI technique, Differential phase delay with integer ambiguity, lunar rover monitoring various processes such as the separation of the lander and lunar rover and the intercommunication between two vehicles, etc. At the same time, the research and analysis of lunar rover walking, turning, The results show that the sensitivity of the lunar rover with VLBI differential phase delay is between 50-100 mm, and the relative positioning is based on the trend of the differential phase delay. The VLBI technology will also play an important role in the following two phases of lunar exploration, Mars exploration and Venus exploration.