Tongue Laceration during Neurophysiologic Monitoring with Motor Evoked Potentials

来源 :麻醉学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcgivihq
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Although considered a safe modality for monitoring spinal cord function, motor evoked potentials (MEP) may cause tongue laceration in rare cases. Bite blocks are essential in order to prevent tongue and mucosal injury during monitoring with MEP, but there
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Although nasogastric tube (NGT) is a simple procedure, the blind placement of nasogastric feeding tubes is not without risks. Chest radiogram is done to confirm
避孕套避孕既方便可行,又可防止性病传播。但生活中常常发生使用避孕套避孕失败的情况,常见的失败原因有以下8种:  ◆未检查质量 市面上出售的避孕套绝大多数是没有问题的,但个别商店的避孕套由于积压过久,或者是受高温影响,发生硬化、粘连,有可能出现不易觉察的孔洞,致使精液渗漏入阴道。所以,使用前,一定要向套内吹口气,看它是否有漏气现象,确认质量合格后方可使用。  ◆选套失误 避孕套分大号、中号和小号三种
In 1998 it was first showed that intravenous Intralipid could prevent or improve resuscitation from cardiovascular collapse by severe bupivacaine overdose in ra
稀土元素是一种很好的生理激活剂,能使动物食入的营养物质得以充分利用和吸收,对畜禽鱼的生长发育、繁殖及生产性能具有明显的促进作用。目前用于养殖业的稀土,主要有硝酸盐稀土,氯化盐稀土、磷酸盐稀土和柠檬酸稀土等。现将稀土在畜禽鱼养殖上的应用效果简介如下:  奶牛 在奶牛精料中添加8%的柠檬酸稀土,可使奶牛日产奶量提高12.7%,乳蛋白增加5.7%,乳脂率提高7.3%,乳中微量元素总量提高11.7%,而且