根据鄂学位办的有关文件精神,现就华中师大申请学士学位的函授、夜大学本科生的学位课程考试的有关问题简述如下: 一、申请对象及条件 申请对象主要是:各类成人本科毕业生和在读生。申请者必须政治思想好,学业成绩优良,毕业论文成绩在良好以上,身体健康。在学期间经补考及及格课程在三门次(大专起点在二门次)以下,且各门课程总平成绩75分以上,主干课程平均成绩在80分以上,未受过任何单位给
According to the relevant documents of the E-degree Office, we hereby give a briefing about the undergraduate degree application examinations of the Huazhong Normal University at the undergraduate degree. The applications and conditions are mainly as follows: All types of adult undergraduate Graduates and students. Applicants must have good political thinking, academic performance, graduation thesis scores well, good health. During the study period, the students who passed the retest and passing the exams are under the rank of “three times” (the starting point of secondary education is two times), the average score of each course is above 75 points, the average score of the main course is above 80 points, no unit has been given