河南医科大学科研人员对483名中小学生的调查结果显示:不玩电子游戏的学生视力低下率为19.3%,玩电子游戏的学生视力低下率为26.6%。每周玩4小时以上者,视力低下率男生为38%,女生为71.4%。视力低下率随着每周玩电子游戏时间的增加而升高。1996年1月,天津市一名中学生因沉缅于电子游戏而致暴盲。电子游戏为什么会对视力造成损害呢? 电子游戏机融光、声、像于一体,荧光屏上出现的画面是由各种不同颜色的小圆点、
According to a survey of 483 primary and secondary school students conducted by researchers at Henan Medical University, 19.3% of students who do not play video games and 26.6% of students who play video games. Play more than 4 hours a week, low vision rate of 38% boys and 71.4% of girls. The rate of vision loss increases with the amount of video games played each week. In January 1996, a middle school student in Tianjin caused violent blindness because of indulging in video games. Why video games cause damage to vision? Video game machines melt light, sound, like in one, the screen appears on the screen by a variety of different colors of dots,