Understanding Relationship Between Accessibility and Economic Growth:A Case Study from China(1990–20

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjj19901005
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China′s economy and transport infrastructure have both experienced rapid development since 1978, and especially since 1990. Today, China is the second-largest economic entity in terms of GDP and has the largest high-speed rail(HSR) network and the second-largest expressway network in the world. This paper explores the relationship between accessibility and economic growth in China from 1990 to 2010. In the study, the basic research units include 333 prefecture-level cities and four municipalities. We explore a bivariate analysis framework of accessibility and economic growth, and their increase rates, to examine this relationship using long-term panel data. The results indicate that, first, accessibility and economic growth show a significant positive relationship using both cross-section and panel data, while the increase rate in accessibility and GDP indicate no significant relationship using cross-section data and a poor significant relationship using panel data. Second, the distributions of local advantage are uneven. Cities with low local advantage with respect to accessibility and GDP are mainly located in China′s eastern coastal region or the provincial capitals, while those with low local advantage in terms of their increase rates are located in the western region. Third, as China′s economic growth and transport networks have evolved, the distribution of local advantage shows little change in terms of accessibility and GDP, but a greater change in terms of their increase rates, which is largely influenced by the distribution of expressway and HSR networks. China’s economy and transport infrastructure have both experienced rapid development since 1978, and especially since 1990. Today, China is the second-largest economic entity in terms of GDP and has the largest high-speed rail (HSR) network and the second- largest expressway network in the world. This paper explores the relationship between accessibility and economic growth in China from 1990 to 2010. In the study, the basic research units include 333 prefecture-level cities and four municipalities. We explore a bivariate analysis framework of accessibility and economic growth, and their increase rates, to examine this relationship using long-term panel data. The results indicate that, first, accessibility and economic growth show a significant positive relationship using both cross-section and panel data, while the increase rate in accessibility and GDP si no significant relationship using cross-section data and a poor significant relationship using panel data. Second, the distr Cities with low local advantage with respect to accessibility and GDP are mainly located in China’s eastern coastal region or the provincial capitals, while those with low local advantage in terms of their increase rates are located in the western Third, as China’s economic growth and transport networks have evolved, the distribution of local advantage shows little change in terms of accessibility and GDP, but a greater change in terms of their increase rates, which is largely influenced by the distribution of expressway and HSR networks.
在成功举办两届之后,2003平遥国际摄影大展如期拉开大幕。五洲宾朋相约古城,中外文化汇集平遥。此情此景,对于SARS过后的山西,其意义尤为重要。 此次大展,对于我们全面展示
低轨卫星星座具有几何图形变化快、落地信号功率强、全球天基监测覆盖等天然优势,可对中高轨全球导航卫星系统(Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS)星座进行有效补充和增强,提升全球定位、导航与授时(Positioning, Navigation and Timing, PNT)服务的精度、完好性、可用性和抗干扰等能力,已成为下一代卫星导航系统重要的发展方向.本