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随着时代的发展以及教育体制的改革与深化,教育事业取得了较大进步,为我国的人才培养作出了重要贡献。而在中学课程当中,政治作为学生树立正确思想、学习政治文化、了解全球格局的一门学科,具有十分重要的地位与作用。但之前的中学政治教学模式僵化、缺少活力,不利于老师的教学与学生的有效吸收,改革与创新势在必行。如何进行政治课堂的转型,并在此基础上促进高效课堂的形成成为很多教育工作者研究的对象。就推进政治课堂转型中打造高效课堂进行研究与分析。 With the development of the times and the reform and deepening of the education system, great progress has been made in education and an important contribution has been made to the training of personnel in our country. Among secondary schools, politics plays a very important role as a discipline for students to establish correct thinking, study political culture and understand the global pattern. However, before the middle school political teaching model is rigid, lack of vitality, is not conducive to the teaching of the students and the effective absorption of students, reform and innovation is imperative. How to carry on the transformation of the political classroom, and on this basis to promote efficient classroom formation has become the object of many educators. To promote the transformation of political classroom to create efficient classroom for research and analysis.
道德建设,尤其是对中小学生这一身心还未完全成熟、情感又非常敏感的群体的道德教育更是一项迫切的任务。针对这一问题,提出几点看法。 Moral education, especially for pr
提高数学教学有效性是所有数学教师共同追求的目标,那么,在课堂教学实践中,如何把这个目标落到实处呢?主要就提高初中数学教学有效性的策略进行探讨。 To improve the effec
从五个方面探讨了生物专业英语词汇特征,并结合教学实际探索出相关教学策略。 From five aspects, it explores the characteristics of biology major English vocabulary