有人将“升学”形象地喻为“人生小考”,而将“就业”定性为“人生大考”。可见,“升学与就业”在人生这一单程旅途中起着多么重要的作用。走出毕业前的困惑,帮你在人生的“小考、大考”中胜出,就是本刊“毕业诊断”栏目的初衷和目标。把困扰你的难题告诉我们,把你成功的经验、失败的教训告诉我们……让“毕业诊断”为你解忧;让“毕业诊断”传扬你的经验,总结你的教训……最终达到我们的目的——愿阳光、笑脸常与本刊读者为伴。本栏热线电话:021—62525555转467 482 E-mail:renshuqiu499@hotmail.com 本栏编辑记者:任淑楸臧国海
Some people will “learn” vividly as the “life quiz,” and “employment” as a “life exam.” Visible, “further studies and employment” in life this one-way journey played an important role. Out of the confusion before graduation, to help you in life’s “quiz, exam” to win, is the publication “graduation diagnosis” column of the original intention and goal. Tell us about the problems that plague you, tell us about your successful experiences and lessons of failure ... Let “graduation diagnoses” worry about you; let “graduation diagnoses” spread your experiences and sum up your lessons ... And finally reach us Purpose - To the sun, smiling face often correspondents with our readers. This column hotline: 021-62525555 turn 467 482 E-mail: renshuqiu499@hotmail.com This column editor: Ren Shuxuan Zang Guohai