漫步在三河市燕郊镇南巷口村整洁有序的街头巷尾,欣赏着风景花木,感受着热情淳朴的民风,品味着小康生活的欣欣向荣,有一种置身世外桃源之感。 “自从党支部新班子上任,这村可是大变样。”随便询问哪一位村民都会得到同一个回答。2003年9月,南巷口村新一届支部班子成立,蔡玉林当选支部书记。上任伊始,令人头疼的8户侵街占地的遗留问题就被村民代表提出。临建
Walking in the clean and orderly streets and lanes in Nanxiangkou Village, Yanjiao Town, Sanhe City, enjoy the scenery and flowers and woods, feel the warmth and simplicity of the folk customs, and enjoy the thriving life of the well-off life. “The village has changed dramatically since the new branch of the party took office.” Just ask which villagers all get the same answer. In September 2003, the new branch of Nanxiangkou Village was established and Cai Yulin was elected branch secretary. His inauguration, the headache of the remaining 8 occupied area occupied by villagers representatives. Pro build