Module9 Unit2《Witnessing time》Reading Teaching design

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  The castle is a symbol of the Middle Ages, many historical events are named after the castle. This lesson will take you through the castle. The importance of discussing this topic is self-evident, and we need to focus on it.
  The study of English in senior high school is the top priority for senior three students. Effective learning at this stage will have twice the result with half the effort, so our teachers should have a deeper understanding of this problem. This paper discusses this problem in the form of instructional design.
  Teaching aims:
  1.To help the students to know the general history of Acropolis.
  2.To enable students to master the reading strategy and become more competent in reading articles.
  Teaching dificulty:
  1.Students can work out the ways to preserve this historic site.
  Teaching methods:
  1.Question-and-answer teaching method
  2.Task-based teaching approach
  3.Pair work and individual work
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1: Lead-in Appreciate pictures about the Olympic flag , Marathon and Athena , then ask students: 1. Which country or city can you think of when seeing the pictures?(Athens, the capital city of Greece) 2. Have you ever been there? 3. Do you know what the greatest symbol of Athens is?
  Step 2: Detailed reading for important information
  1.Let’s read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 20.
  2.Listen to the tape and try to complete Part D and Part E.
  3.Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text:
  1).Which of the followings was not a Greek invention?
  A.The Western alphabet. B. Roman alphabet. C. Architecture. D. Marathon
  2).Why was the Acropolis built on the hill called the Sacred Rock in the centre of the city?
  A.To associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital city of Athens.
  B.It was constructed at a high altitude above the city in honour of Athens.
  C.Because there are three main temples to Athens.
  D.Because it was convenient for everyone to get to and could be seen from every past of the city.
  3).In which year did the Acropolis receive a World Heritage listing from UNESO?
  A. 1835 B. 1975 C. 1987 D. 2004
  Step 3: Post-reading activities
  1.Pair work: Please introduce the causes of the damage done to the Acropolis and the ways to protect it to other group members, with the help of the chart in Part C2   Discuss: Why do you think it is necessary and important to preserve World Heritage sites?......
  2.Part F. Work in pairs and share your opinions with each other.
  3.Please do Parts A1 and A2 on page 110 in Workbook to practise using some words and phrases.
  Step4:Group work
  Suppose you are a journalist from CCTV. Work in groups and write a report about the Acropolis and what the Greek governmenthave done to restore it.
  Reading comprehension
  We left London on June 21st and flew to Athens . We went on a British Airways flight . We left London at about 11:00 in the morning and arrived in Athensat about 3:00 in the afternoon . It was raining in London when we left ,but it was fine and warm in Athens . After we came out of the airport building we took a taxi to the town center. We stayed for three nights at a hotel. While we were in Athens we visited some of the sights: the Acropolis, of course, the National Museum; and we went to a concert. On our fourth day we went to Athens Airport early in the morning and took an Olympic flight to a beautiful Greek island, Santorin. We stayed at a hotel in Phira, the capital of the island. The hotel was very high up and we had a wonderful view of the sea and the island. After we had Spent a week on the island, we flew back to Athens for Another three nights and then back to London on an Athens Airways flight. It was a wonderful holiday. We did a lot in two weeks and enjoyed ourselves very much.
  1.How long did it take to fly from London to Athens?
  A. 3 hours B. 4 hours C. 11 hours D. 14 hours
  2.How was the weather in London and in others?
  A.London — raining ; Athens — raining
  B.London — fine ; Athens — warm
  C.London — warm ; Athens — warm
  D.London — raining ; Athens — fine and warm
  3.Which of the following places DIND'T they visit during their stay in Greece?
  A.The town center in Athens B.The National Museum
  C.Olympic D.The Acropolis
  4.Which of the following airlines is NOT mentioned(提到 ) in the passage?
  A.British Airways B.Athens Airways C.Pan American D. Olympic
  Step 6: Group work:
  Please introduce the causes of the damage done to the Acropolis and the ways to protect it to other group members, with the help of the chart in Part C2
  Step7: Summary and homework
  1.Do parts A1 and A2 on page 110 in Workbook.
  2.Search the Internet for the information about borrowed words in English.
王羲之在《兰亭集序》中写道:“向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹。”而比之当代,在这一“俯”一“仰”间,新生的思想和事物便如雨后春笋般大量涌现。时光在流逝,时代在变迁,人们追求“新”的脚步从未停下,那“陈”又会有怎样的命运呢?  陈,意为“时间久的,旧的”。在社会发展如此迅速的今天,一般而言,几乎所有“陈”的思想和事物都逃不出三种命运:它们中的大多数由于因循守旧,最终被时代所抛弃,此为第一种命运,即被淘
【摘 要】在当前信息大爆炸的时代背景下,各种信息接收渠道中,人们接受程度最高的依然是视觉系统。平面广告设计是产品销售的有力手段,唯有凸显出视觉冲击力,才能够提升平面广告的宣传实效,带来广泛的社会影响力。 由此可见,平面广告设计中的视觉冲击力主要基于受众视角,将商品的特色及主要形态充分展现,进而给受众留下深刻且良好的影响。基于此,文章便主要针对平面广告设计中的视觉冲击力进行一系列探索。  【关键词】
一、中美高速公路发展的异同  高速公路作为现在连接中国东西南北的重要通道来说,可谓是发挥了非常重要的力量。然而中国的飞速发展也带来了许多问题,而这些问题的背后都与中国特殊的发展方式有着密不可分的关系。既然我们要寻找这些问题出现的原因我们就得看现在世界上第二大高速公路国家——美国的发展方式与中国有那些异同,而不同之处给中国的高速公路的发展带来了怎样的影响呢?接下来我将分四点来阐述两个国家之间发展高速
【教材简析】  《黄鹤楼送别》是苏教版第九册的一篇课文。这篇课文以“文包诗”的形式再现了《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》这首古诗的创作情境。诗文互照,情景同现,是一篇形式新颖,能培养学生联系语言环境和故事情境发展情感的好课文。  【教学目标】  1.学会本课生字,理解由生字组成的词语。理解课文内容及诗句意思。  2.正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文、背诵《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》。  【教学重难点】  通过文与
【摘 要】本文主要以企业行政管理的创新方法为重点进行阐述,结合当下现代企业行政管理的现状为主要依据,从引入先进的管理模式、加强信息化技术的推广和应用、创新企业行政管理体制、促进和增强激励艺术的应用这四方面进行深入探索与研究,其目的在于加强企业行政管理效率,为保证企业在繁杂的经济市场中站稳脚跟提供有利条件。  【关键词】行政管理;创新路径;企业  引言  对于企业长远发展来讲,行政管理创新十分重要,
【摘 要】文中论述企业文化建设同人力资源管理之间的关系、现状以及其中存在的问题,并最终探讨出对应的解决措施。  【关键词】企业文化;文化建设中;人力资源管理;问题分析;解决措施  企业文化一个企业生存和发展下去的精神力量,其是企业达成战略目标的中坚力量,更是企业繁荣昌盛的原动力。人力资源管理中强调对人的实际管理。而对人有效的管理方式就是制度与方式。注重制度与方法的同一,达成以人为本的核心理念,构建
【摘 要】耐蚀性是镍基合金堆焊层的主要性能,本文使用电化学测试为主要研究方法,评价堆焊层溶敷金属耐氯离子腐蚀能力和耐晶间腐蚀能力,通过试验结果分析冷却方式对堆焊层溶敷金属耐蚀性的影响。  【关键词】X90;Inconel625;冷却方式;组织性能  Inconel625是固溶强化型镍基耐蚀合金,镍-铬系列,有比较好的切削加工性能,对大部分的酸性溶液都有良好的耐腐蚀性能,在高温下具有良好的机械和抗氧
“叮噔叮噔”安静的晚自习突然被广播打破,这是高中的第一次晚自习。大家都抬起头,疑惑地你看看我,我看看你。  “(呼气声)好。这里是高一年级组广播会议。我,是年级组长汤老师。首先,我要强调的是纪律问题,也就是规矩。严禁......否则,降层处理!”这段广播会议,实则是校规宣读,让整个空气都充满着紧张的气息,因为这位汤老师,词词有停顿,句句皆沉重,尤其是念到“否则”的停顿——让人不难想到班主任严肃地坐
我们的季节  春的微风吹开百花  我们也在夹缝中努力挣扎  冲动让我们看到了苍穹  雕刻也让身躯变得更加挺拔/  我不会陶醉在夏的繁华  更不会悲哀在秋的无情凋打  相比之下  我更爱冬的洁白无瑕/  我不敢放言生命永无止境  我只言青春让我们一鸣惊人  学会孤独  梅花的绽放终无需独厚的呵护  菊花的抱香不曾同秋风共舞  竹屹立高峰未尝不觉得孤独  有时候  孤独才是人生的高峰  独处才是美丽的
【摘 要】青少年学生的自我意识不断地增长,他们对于父母的意见不再是简单地服从、照办,而是要分辨是非。他们希望自主地安排生活,不希望、也不愿意父母干涉。但父母仍然用昔日对待儿童的方法去教育他们,这就产生了家庭矛盾,这种矛盾慢慢地演变成“代沟”。班主任——承担德育的重要工作者不得不认真思考,探索研究消除“代沟”的有效方法和途径,本文将着重谈谈笔者的肤浅想法。  【关键词】代沟;真心;沟通  不同的环境