巴金为自己小说所写的《序》、《题记》,不是著作正文前一般性说明文字,而是作家燃烧的心雕塑出来的,宛如安置在各宏伟艺术大殿门前的,有着很强美感和动人魅力的艺术品。马克思主义认为,美就是生活。凡是人类社会历史发展的客观必然要求,存在的、合理的、创造性的、肯定趋势的生活以及表现这种生活的东西就是美。巴金的《序》、《题记》从不同横剖面艺术表现了符合马克思主义美学原则的生活,具有多元美。一、内容真善美统一的和谐美 1.表现对生活的社会责任感《序》中写道:“我多么愿意,让我的全部作品化为灰烬,让我的名字在人间消失,被
The “Preface” and “Inscription” written by Ba Jin for his novels are not the general descriptions in front of the main body of the book but are sculptured by the burning heart of the writer just as they are placed in front of the magnificent art hall and have a strong aesthetic sense. Attractive and moving artwork. Marxism believes that beauty is life. The objective and necessary requirement of any historical development of human society, the existing, rational, creative and positive trend of life and the performance of such things are the beauty. Ba Jin’s “Preface” and “Inscription” show the life consistent with the Marxist aesthetics principle from different cross-section art and have multiple beauty. First, the contents of the beauty of the United States and the United States the United Beauty 1. The performance of social responsibility in life, “Preface” wrote: "How willing I, let all my works into ashes, my name disappears in the world, was