Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Cobalt(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer with Benzene-1,3,5-triacetate an

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A novel coordination polymer, [Co3 (bta)2(dib)2]·4H2O (1, H3bta=benzene-1,3,5-triacetic acid, and dib=1,4-di(1H-imidazol-1-yl)benzene), has been hydrothermally prepared and characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal is of triclinic system, space group Pī, with a=9.141(2), b=9.667(2), c=13.855(2), α=100.83(3), β=90.81(3), γ=100.94(3)°, V=1179.0(4)3 , C48H46N8O16Co3 , Mr=1167.72, Dc=1.645 g/cm 3 , F(000)=599, μ=1.127 mm-1 and Z=1. The final R=0.0634 and wR=0.1703 for 4291 observed reflections (I > 2σ(I)). In the title complex, the bta ligand acts as a four-dentate bridging ligand to link up cobalt atoms into a lamellar framework, which are further interlinked by the dib ligands to generate a binodal (3,8)-connected tfz-d net. A novel coordination polymer, [Co3 (bta) 2 (dib) 2] · 4H2O (1, H3bta = benzene- 1,3,5-triacetic acid and dib = 1,4-di ) crystal has been hydrothermally prepared and characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystal is of triclinic system, space group Pī, with a = 9.141 (2), b = 9.667 , C = 13.855 (2) α, α = 100.83 (3), β = 90.81 (3), γ = 100.94 (3) °, V = 1179.0 (4) 3, C48H46N8O16Co3, Mr = 1167.72, Dc = 1.645 g / cm 3, F (000) = 599, μ = 1.127 mm -1 and Z = 1. The final R = 0.0634 and wR = 0.1703 for 4291 observed reflections (I> 2σ (I)). bta ligand acts as a four-dentate bridging ligand to link up cobalt atoms into a lamellar framework, which are further interlinked by the dib ligands to generate a binodal (3,8) -connected tfz-d net.
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