标新立异 成一家之说──熊映梧教授与《生产力三部曲》章立(一)熊映梧,是中国社会科学界公认的我国生产力经济学的主要创立者。他在10年间完成的三部曲:《生产力经济学原理》、《当代中国社会生产力考察》、《适度经济增长的理论与对策》,标志着这门新学科业已构...
Bringing It All Together - Prof. Xiong Yingwu and “The Trilogy of Productive Forces” Zhang Li (1) Xiong Yingwu is a recognized founder of China’s productivity economics in the Chinese social science community. He completed the trilogy in 10 years: “Principles of Productive Economics”, “Investigation of Social Productivity in Contemporary China”, “Theory and Countermeasures of Moderate Economic Growth”, marking the new discipline has been constructed ...