【摘 要】
A method of co-producing acetic anhydride and acetate includes generating acetic acid at a high temperature to produce a first enone stream, the enone stream being a gas phase stream comprising ketene, acetic acid, and water; cooling the first enone stream to concentrate the acetic acid and water to produce ( i) a weakly acidic water stream and (ii) a ketene feedstream; providing a ketene feedstream to an acetoacetate reactor, reacting the ketene and acetic acid to form acetic anhydride; and simultaneously with step (c) Acetic acid esterification reactor, weak acid and acetic acid synthesis of organic alcohol ester. Preferably, the organic alcohol is selected from (i) forming acetate, ester and optionally
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1 病历摘要患者 :女性 ,38岁。因眼睑水肿伴发热 2月余 ,于 2 0 0 2年 7月 2日入院。患者于 2 0 0 2年 4月无诱因出现眼睑水肿 ,尿中泡沫增多 ,1周后发热 ,最高温度 39℃ ,