【摘 要】
Die casting machines,which are the core equipment of the machinery manufacturing industry,consume great amounts of energy.The energy consum-ption prediction of die casting machines can support energy consumption quota,process parameter energy-saving optim
【机 构】
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;School
Die casting machines,which are the core equipment of the machinery manufacturing industry,consume great amounts of energy.The energy consum-ption prediction of die casting machines can support energy consumption quota,process parameter energy-saving optimization,energy-saving design,and energy efficiency evaluation;thus,it is of great significance for Industry 4.0 and green manufacturing.Nevertheless,due to the uncertainty and complexity of the energy consumption in die casting machines,there is still a lack of an approach for energy consumption prediction that can provide support for process parameter optimization and product design taking energy efficiency into consideration.To fill this gap,this paper proposes an energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines driven by product parameters.Firstly,the system boundary of energy consumption prediction is defined,and subsequently,based on the energy consumption characteristics analysis,a theoretical energy consumption model is established.Consequently,a systematic energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines,involving product,die,equipment,and process parameters,is proposed.Finally,the feasibility and reliability of the proposed energy consumption prediction approach are verified with the help of three die casting machines and six types of products.The results show that the prediction accuracy of production time and energy consumption reached 91.64% and 85.55%,respectively.Overall,the proposed approach can be used for the energy consumption prediction of different die casting machines with different products.
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以南极低温高辐照冰雪凝-融环境、南海高温高湿高盐雾环境以及滨海氯-霾耦合环境3种典型环境为研究对象,开展了典型海工材料的腐蚀行为研究.结果 表明,南极低温环境下冰层、雪层覆盖下电化学腐蚀过程依然可以发生,冰雪凝-融过程导致液膜长周期存在促进了腐蚀的进行且加速局部腐蚀.南海高温高湿高盐雾环境下有色金属材料表面存在化学氧化和电化学腐蚀协同作用机制,不同铝合金的局部腐蚀萌生扩展驱动力不同(即扩散与电荷转移、氢致沿晶裂纹、腐蚀产物楔入效应),表面润湿时间和C1-协同作用导致腐蚀动力学偏离幂函数规律.滨海氯-霾耦合
采用宏观形貌对比、3D共聚焦测试、扫描电子显微镜等手段,研究了模拟3000m深海环境中9XX低合金钢、316L不锈钢和5083-H116铝镁合金之间的电偶腐蚀行为.结果 表明:在深海环境中,9XX低合金钢与316L不锈钢之间的电偶腐蚀倾向较大,腐蚀较为严重;5083铝镁合金与316L不锈钢之间电位差较大,但由于二者都形成了致密的保护膜,与316L不锈钢偶接的5083铝镁合金腐蚀较轻;316L不锈钢表面氧化保护膜的存在使其在深海环境中具有优良的耐腐蚀性.
对镍基高温合金GH4169基体先采用包埋渗铝工艺制备铝化物涂层,随后在渗铝涂层表面喷烧搪瓷涂层,得到了渗铝+搪瓷复合涂层.该涂层外层由搪瓷涂层组成,厚度约为40 μm;中间层为渗铝涂层,厚度约20μm,主要为Ni2Al3相,搪瓷涂层和渗铝涂层结合良好;内层为互扩散区,厚度约为3μm.分别考察了搪瓷+渗铝复合涂层、渗铝涂层和GH4169合金基体在650℃ NaCl+水蒸汽+氧气中进行模拟高温海洋环境腐蚀实验.结果 表明,渗铝涂层和合金中的Fe和Cr在NaCl+水蒸汽协同腐蚀作用下发生氧化-氯化自催化反应,表