转移因子(Transfar factor)是一种具有生物活性的小分子物质。Landsteiner(1942)首先发现活的致敏淋巴细胞,可以转移免疫反应。Lawrence(1949)在研究结核菌素迟发型变态反应时,也证实了白细胞能够转移结核菌素迟发型变态反应。他(1955)又进一步证实,白细胞匀浆中存在能传递免疫反应的物质。1963年,他把这种物质称做转移因子(简称TF)。自1968年开始用于临床后,几名研究者相继用以治疗Boeck类肉瘤、Wiskott-Aldrich综合征和皮肤粘膜白色念珠菌病等,都收到一定疗效。我国自1973年将之用于临床以来,应用范围日益扩大。现将TF性质及其临床应用情况简要介绍于下:
Transfar factor is a biologically active small molecule material. Landsteiner (1942) first discovered live sensitized lymphocytes that could transfer immune responses. Lawrence (1949) also demonstrated that leukocytes can transfer late tuberculosis allergies when studying the delayed allergy of tuberculin. He (1955) further confirmed that there are substances in the white blood cell homogenate that can transmit immune responses. In 1963, he referred to this substance as the transfer factor (TF). Since the clinical application began in 1968, several researchers have been used to treat Boeck’s sarcoma, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, and mucocutaneous candidiasis. Since China applied it in clinical practice in 1973, its application has been expanding. The TF properties and its clinical application are briefly introduced below: