Using radioimmunoassay to detect serum AFP in 118 preoperative patients with gastric cancer, it was found that AFP levels were positively correlated with liver metastasis and lymphatic metastasis. The pathological types of AFP-positive gastric cancer are mainly well-differentiated papillary or tubular adenocarcinoma and poorly differentiated medullary carcinoma. This poorly differentiated medullary carcinoma cell is similar to primary hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver metastasis rate in AFP-positive group was 60%, which was significantly higher than 6.5% in AFP-negative group. From the perspective of lymph node metastasis distance and number of metastases, the positive rate of AFP in N2 group was significantly higher than that in N_0, N_1 group. The number of metastasis group was significantly higher than that of non-metastasis group and minority metastasis group. This study shows that the preoperative detection of serum AFP is of great significance in determining the time of the disease, establishing a reasonable treatment plan and estimating the prognosis.