
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:junxiaohao
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对于基层经销商来说,大部分人习惯于当坐商,守在门市部等客上门,挣几个痛快钱。但随着时间的推移和基层经销商的急剧增加,部分坐商加了行商,做好行商当然销量会增加,收入要比坐商多得多,但比起当坐商困难也会多很多。具体来说,要想做好行商,必须要做好以下几点:1.不要舍近求远。笔者是一名名副其实的老行商,最早的时候,跑到离村10多公里的河津市一些村庄,那时,由于基层经销商较少,两地农药差价较大,一瓶药在本地只能挣一块钱,而到 For grass-roots dealers, most people are accustomed to sitting merchants, keep the door at the door and other customers, earn a few good money. However, as time goes on and the drastic increase of grassroots dealership, some of the traders and traders will increase their sales while the traders will certainly be better off. The revenue will be much more than that of the traders, but it will be much more than the difficulties of sitting traders. Specifically, in order to do business, you must do the following: 1. Do not get too far away. The author is a veritable veteran business, the earliest time, ran to villages in Hejin more than 10 kilometers away from the village, at that time, due to less grass-roots dealers, pesticide spread between the two larger, a bottle of medicine in the local only Earn a dollar, and come
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分类讨论思想是一种重要的数学思想方法,下面举例说明如何运用分类讨论思想解题. 例1 化简分析由于 ,因此本题实际上是要化简含有绝对值符号的式子,关键是去掉绝对值的符号.