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前南共联盟首开党政关系改革的先河,在理论与实践上冲破了教条主义的束缚,为国际共运和社会主义改革提供了有价值的经验和教训,给人们以深刻的启迪:社会主义改革是长期的、艰巨的历史任务;必须加强党的领导,它是改革能否成功的根本保证;改革应在发展社会生产力的前提下有步骤地进行,不可停顿亦不可操之过急 The first precedent for the reform of party-government relations between the Former Yugoslavia League broke the dogma of doctrine in theory and in practice, provided valuable experience and lessons for the international communist movement and the socialist reform and gave people a profound inspiration: Socialism Reform is a long-term and arduous historical task. It is imperative to strengthen the party’s leadership. It is the fundamental guarantee for the success of the reform. The reform should be carried out step by step on the premise of developing social productive forces. It can not be stopped or stopped
Not long ago,my daughter’s shoes were scratched by someone’s knife.She burst into tears.I took the shoes to get them repaired.不久前,女儿的鞋子被刀子划破了,她
I’m a 13-year-old girl.I like laughing.I like listening to music in my spare time.I too1have other hobbies,such as reading books and swimming.I have two sister
冬天来了。Lily一出门就被两个调皮的家伙亲了一下。它们是谁呢?请你猜一猜。  1  It looks like sugar,  But it’s not sweet.  It looks like cotton,  But it can’t spin.  It comes in winter  And makes the weather colder.  What is it?  ( )  2 
Children’s book author and illustrator Lauren Castillo leads a workshop with kids in Parma, Michigan.  Lauren Castillo has illustrated more than 15 books for children, some of which she also wrote. Sh
Consider ... YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Sto
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Hello, everyone. Let’s have a discussion about problems. These days we often have a lot of worries. Don’t worry. Problems and worries are normal in life.  My friend Krystal has a problem with her rela