假如你是上海人,稍不留神,便会发觉你的邻居会是林心如、梁朝伟,或者林忆莲,任贤齐竟然在你家的对面一幢房子里婆裟而过。记住,请不要惊讶,时下的上海已经是明星云集,人文荟萃,上海以特有的魅力吸引着海峡对面的明星来这里成家置业。他或她,跟你一样,都是小区的普通的业主,他们也许刚刚从片场赶回家。 当一些明星还在观望犹豫的时候,已经有一些耐不住诱惑的明星先行进驻上海了。范晓萱在上海的别墅型豪宅曾在各大媒体纷纷曝光。简洁大方的设计、花园中贝多芬等音乐家的雕塑,范晓萱独特的品位与上海这个独特的城市完美地结合在了一起。张信哲也已在上海买了房,去年10月他在为上海演唱会做宣传之前,就已经小住了一段时间。“我喜欢上海,这里有我最爱的古董,我喜欢这里的浪漫气氛,这里还有对我们来说很重要的工作机会,你也知道现在台湾没这么多机会,我不光在这里买房,还要在这里开店。”最
If you are from Shanghai, you will find that your neighbors will be Ruby Lin, Tony Leung, or Sandy Lam or Richie Jen in a house across from your house. Remember, please do not be surprised, nowadays Shanghai is already a celebrity, cultural fusion, Shanghai with unique charm to attract stars across the Strait to come home here. He or she, like you, is an ordinary landlord in a community who may have just returned home from the studio. When some celebrities still wait and see when hesitation, there are already some tempting stars in Shanghai. Mavis Fan villa-type mansion in Shanghai in the major media have exposure. Simple and generous design, garden Beethoven and other musicians sculpture, Mavis Fan unique taste and Shanghai unique city perfectly together. Cheung Chak-cheh has also bought a house in Shanghai, last October before he did publicity for the Shanghai concert, it has been a while for a long time. “I love Shanghai. There are my favorite antiques. I like the romantic atmosphere here. Here are some job opportunities that are important to us. You know now that Taiwan has not had so many opportunities. I not only buy houses here, but also Shop here. ”Mostly