同志们: 在全国各族人民欢庆中国人民解放军建军60周年的时候,隆重召开了全军英雄模范代表会议。我代表党中央和国务院,向大会表示热烈祝贺!向各位英模代表和全军指战员致以节日慰问! 全心全意为中国人民服务,是我军建军的唯一宗旨。在中国共产党领导下,人民解
Comrades: At a time when the people of all nationalities across the country celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, they solemnly convened a model hero meeting of the entire army. On behalf of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, I hereby express my warmest congratulations to the General Assembly on behalf of all the representatives of the British Army and the commanders and soldiers of the entire army for their condolences on holiday. To wholeheartedly serve the Chinese people is the sole purpose of our army. Under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, people’s solution