Summary of patient history Male, 42 years old. Due to fever, cough, chest pain and more than admissions, past 10 years of recurrent systemic joint pain history. Physical examination: body temperature, breathing, pulse, normal blood pressure. Sparse eyebrows, cheeks and nose with purple butterfly erythema. Lower left lung percussion slightly turbid, breath sounds weakened, the right lung can smell and rales. Liver ribs 1.5cm, sword under 2.5cm, soft, light tenderness. Two fingers have Reynaud phenomenon, two toe end edema. Laboratory: white blood cells 4500, 68% neutral, lymphatic 32%. 3.15 million erythrocytes, hemoglobin 8.5g / dl, ESR 80mm / h. Urinary protein (+++), red blood cells 0 to 2, leukocytes 3 to 5, granular tube 0 to 1. Plasma total protein 5.8g / d1, A / G = 2.3 / 3.5, r27.5 / d1. Zinc turbidity 16 units. Serum anti-DNA antibody binding rate of 42.9%. Blood check lupus cells positive. IgG4575mg / d1, C_3