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2002年我国电子信息产业生产继续保持快速、平稳发展,全行业完成工业总产值17800亿元,同比增长20.9%;其中:投资类增幅为13.8%,rrrrrrrrrn元器件类增幅为28.1%,消费类增幅为26.6%。全行业产销衔接良好,产品销售大幅度增加,全行业完成产品销售收入14000亿元,增长17.8%,rrrrrrrrrn产销率为97.8%,比上年同期提高了0.3个百分点。根据信息产业部重点检测的主要电子产品产销情况看,大部分产品产销两旺。特别是移动rrrrrrrrrn通信手机、微机、显示器、彩电、集成电路等主要产品产销量的同比增长均超过40%以上。rrrrrrrrrn2002年电子信息产业经济效益继续趋好,全行业共完成工业增加值2980亿元,同比增长14.4%;实现利润逐步回升,尤其是进入到下半rrrrrrrrrn年,一举扭转了全行业持续负增长的局面,且增幅逐月提高,累计到年底,共完成利润总额600亿元,同比增长6.5%,上缴税金260亿元,同rrrrrrrrrn比下降7.3%。rrrrrrrrrn2002全年,投资类、消费类、元器件三大类产品的比例为45:29:26,投资类比重同比下降3个百分点,消费类上升2个百分点。以通rrrrrrrrrn信设备、计算机产品为代表的投资类产品生产同比增长13.8%,对全行业经济增长贡献率由上年的46%? In 2002, the production of electronic information industry in our country continued to maintain a rapid and steady development. The industry completed a total industrial output value of 1.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.9% over the same period of last year. Among them, the investment increased by 13.8% Components increased 28.1%, consumer 26.6% increase. Industry-wide convergence of production and marketing, product sales increased substantially, the industry completed product sales revenue 1.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 17.8%, production and sales rate 97.8%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points over the same period of last year. According to the Ministry of Information Industry, the key test of the major electronics production and marketing situation, the majority of product sales booming. In particular, the sales volume of major mobile phones, computers, monitors, color TV sets and integrated circuits increased by more than 40% over the same period of the previous year. In 2002, the core business of the country continued to be very good. The industry completed a total of 298 billion yuan of industrial added value, an increase of 14.4% over the same period of last year. Profit realized Gradual recovery, especially into the second half, reversing the industry continued negative growth in one fell swoop, and the increase month by month, accumulated to the end of the year , A total of 60 billion yuan in total profits, an increase of 6.5%, taxes paid 26.0 billion yuan, with a 7.3% decrease. Throughout the year, investment, consumer, component ratio of the three major categories of products was 45:29:26, the proportion of investment fell 3 A percentage point, consumer rose 2 percentage points. The output of investment products represented by letter equipment and computer products increased by 13.8% over the same period of the previous year, contributing to the growth of the entire industry from 46% of the year?