站在新世纪的桥头,一种“观古今于须臾,抚四海于一瞬”的历史情怀不禁油然而生。当人类刚进入第三个千禧之年,历史学家特别是史学史家,尤需瞻前顾后,对自己的学科作一点反思,以利继往开来,作出新的成就。 本文说的是西方史学史,为了对 21世纪的西方史学史作出科学
Standing at the bridgehead of the new century, one kind of historical sentiment that “the concept of ancient and modern is indispensable, and the immediate cause of universal presence can not help but emerge spontaneously.” When mankind has just entered the third millennium, historians, especially historians of history, should, in particular, look forward and review their own disciplines in order to benefit the future and make new achievements. This article is about the history of Western historiography, in order to make a scientific study of the history of Western history in the 21st century