肩射红外制导导弹在全球广泛应用 ,迫使各国政府要员寻求保障其出访专机飞行安全的途径。军事运输机装备了专用红外和射频干扰系统后 ,用于搭剩高级官员或政府要员 (VIP)的民用飞机也要装备类似设备。BAESystems公司推出ALQ - 2 0 4“斗牛士”(Matador)
Shoot-fired infrared guided missiles are widely used around the world, forcing government officials to seek ways to ensure the safety of their flights on special flights. Military transport aircraft equipped with a dedicated infrared and radio frequency interference system, for the remaining senior officials or government VIPs (civil aircraft) also equipped with similar equipment. BAESystems Launches ALQ - 2004 Matador