面向二十一世纪 开创高新技术产业发展新局面

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为庆祝邓小平同志重要题词“发展高科技,实现产业化”发表5周年,今年4月20日,中国高科技产业化研究会会同有关理事单位:中国邮电工业总公司、北大方正集团、冶金工业部钢铁研究总院、中国航空工业总公司青云仪器公司和北京智凯办公自动化设备有限公司共同举办了座谈会。会议由中高会副理事长沈桂芳同志主持并致开幕词,王大珩理事长发表了热情洋溢的即席讲话,国家科委高技术司冀复生司长宣读了国家科委主任宋健同志在百忙中向座谈会发来的书面讲话。 沈桂芳同志在开幕词中指出,小平同志在1991年4月23日的重要题词,极大地鼓舞了全国科技界、产业界。“发展高科技,实现产业化”不仅是我国科技发展的需要,也是扩大对外开放、发展社会生产力、加快经济发展、增强社会主义祖国综合国力的需要。中国高科技产业化研究会每年“4.23”前夕召开一次座谈会,就是为了不断促进科技产业界贯彻这一重要指导思想,高举高科技产业化的旗帜,奋发图强、齐心协力、顽强拼搏、凝聚优势、发展优势,以做出新的、更大的贡献。 会上与会代表纷纷踊跃发言,因刊物篇幅有限,现将宋健同志的书面发言和几篇有书面稿件的发言刊登如下,敬请各位理事不断为本刊赐稿。 In order to celebrate Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s important inscription “Developing High Technology and Realizing Industrialization”, the 5th Anniversary was announced. On April 20th this year, the China High-tech Industrialization Research Association together with the relevant governing units: China Post and Telecommunications Industry Corporation, Peking University Founder Group, Ministry of Metallurgical Industry The Iron and Steel Research Institute, China Aviation Industry Corporation Qingyun Instrument Company and Beijing Zhikai Office Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. jointly organized the symposium. The meeting was presided over by Comrade Shen Guifang, deputy chairman of the China High Council, and delivered an opening speech. Chairman Wang Daxuan delivered an enthusiastic impromptu speech, and the director of the High Technology Department of the State Science and Technology Commission read the speech of Comrade Song Jian, director of the State Science and Technology Commission, in a busy schedule. Written speeches will be sent. Comrade Shen Guifang pointed out in his opening speech that Comrade Xiaoping’s important inscription on April 23, 1991 greatly encouraged the nation’s scientific and technological circles and industry. “Developing high technology and realizing industrialization” is not only the need for China’s scientific and technological development, but also the need to expand opening to the outside world, develop social productive forces, accelerate economic development, and enhance the comprehensive national strength of the socialist motherland. The China High-tech Industrialization Research Society will hold a symposium on the eve of “4.23” every year to continue to promote the implementation of this important guiding ideology by the scientific and technological industry circles, to hold high the banner of high-tech industrialization, to work hard, make concerted efforts, indomitable struggle, and gather advantages. Develop advantages to make new and greater contributions. Participants at the conference spoke enthusiastically. Due to the limited space of the publications, Comrade Song Jian’s written speeches and several written speeches were published as follows. Please kindly ask the council members to keep writing for this publication.
C她喜欢他吗?小野不敢去想。她觉得自己现在没有资格去喜欢一个阳光男生,她也不想陷入任何情感之中。然而,事情的发展并不是她能掌握的。 C Does she like him? Ono can not
趵突泉,一直存活在儿时的印象中,然而,一直都没有去过趵突泉;连济南,也只是火车路过时从车窗里的眺望。 Baotu Spring has always been alive in childhood impressions. Ho