作者于本文的观察中认为,某些患者的进行性局灶、节段性肾小球硬化(FSGS)与获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)相关。 1981~1983年9月,作者对92例AIDS患者作了检查。经肾脏科诊治的患者有11例(12%),9例发现为肾病综合征(有或无氮质血症);余2例仅出现与中等量蛋白尿相关的氮质血症。例1~5有静脉药癖(海洛因)史2~6年;余6例无静脉药癖,其中3例从海地迁居美国,2例为同性恋爱男性,1例无AIDS危险因素证据。8例患者经皮活检获取肾组织,3例作尸解。全部活检标本用光镜,免疫荧光镜
In this paper, the authors suggest that focal, segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in some patients. From 1981 to September 1983, the authors examined 92 AIDS patients. Eleven patients (12%) were diagnosed and treated by the department of nephrology. Nine patients were diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome (with or without azotemia); only two cases had azotemia associated with moderate proteinuria. Cases 1 to 5 had IV drug addiction (heroin) history of 2 to 6 years; 6 cases had no IV drug addiction, 3 of them migrated to the United States from Haiti, 2 were homosexual men and 1 had no evidence of AIDS risk factors. Kidney tissue was obtained from 8 patients by percutaneous biopsy, and 3 patients were autopsy. All biopsy specimens with light microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy