China’sFoodSecuritygovernancesurveybasedoncases analysis

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  China’s food industry has developed rapidly since the reform and opening up,but food safety affairs have occurred frequently,affecting people’ s confidence in food product,deepening people’ s doubt about government’s supervision,undermining the credibility of the government and causing more and more citizens’ concerns about food safety. Food safety guarantee is of great significance to China’s economic,social and political development. Therefore,during the period of social transformation,it is urgent to ensure the food safety.
  1. The Status quo of Domestic survey
  In China,there is an old saying that ‘Food is god for the people’. For the reason that in the past 5 thousand years,ordinary Chinese people were struggling for food all their lives. And till now,when the situation is getting better and most Chinese people don’t need to worry about having nothing to eat,two Chinese people meeting each other,the first thing they ask must be ‘Have you eaten your meal?’ So it is obvious that food is the most important thing in Chinese people’s daily life.
  But these years,the problem of the safety of the food has become a big issue in the society. The abuse of some harmful chemical elements is reported like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. The melamine found in the Sanlu milk powder,the use of gutter oil in the food,the use of drug clenbuterol in pig meat,the use of chemical element Sudan in duck egg are only a few of the safety problems of food.
  2. Reasons for Food safety
  2.1 driving of profit and money.
  With rapid development of socity and economy in modren time,after the reform and opening-up,we are effected by a wrong concept the earning money is the most important thing in our life. There are too many businessmen used cheap raw material and food additive to make food,which to decreased of food quality.
  2.2 customers can not distinguish the qualities of food.
  Nowadays,a great number of people lacking of basic knowledge and skills,which lead to those have poor safety awareness. We paid less attention on food safety than productivity because of the preference of Chinese in food energy and nutrition.besides,the low income for many families make them choose the unsafe food. meanwhile,some consumers’ consuming habits may exist misunderstanding in simplifying for food consumption and leads a threat to it. 4.3 manage work is difficult. According to the survey,in many cities most food production enterprise scale is small,and production more spread out. These cities has a great number of floating population,there are so many migrants people in the production and operation of food,because of their are short of health consciousness,the poor quality of the sales of food and plus great mobility,making food safety supervision work more difficult.   3. Available methods
  3.1 Promote food safety society multi-governance.
  The government should take positive measures to make the principle as the responsibility of food safety committee.Strengthen the communication and sharing between the government and the public.Besides,promote the food Industry Association to strengthen self-discipline,give guidance and supervision to food producers and marketers and let them to follow the law.Make them know that they must bear the primary responsibility for food safety.And,mobilize social forces to participate in food safety supervision,cultivate health consumption awareness of the public and let people become a food safety supervisor.
  3.2 Further regulate the food safety supervision and management.
  The governmentneeds to carry out scientific legislation,inspection,supervision,law executing,research,education plan to strictly supervise every sector of food safety,and promote food safety production system.Besides,the government should integrate the function of all kinds of inspection institute,and also strength the professional training among the staffs,enhance their performance and achieve the goal of long-time and effective supervision.
  4. Conclusions
  Food Security is the global problem,and it also is the key of people attaining a health life. China has suffered many Food Security problems since the reform and opening up,this problem should be resolved by multi-participants. One hand,consumers should enhance the acknowledge of Food Security;Secondly,enterprises are supposed to abide by rules of Professional ethics strictly;Lastly,the government and relevant apartments should complete the laws and regulations about Food Security and strengthen supervision of Food Security.
  [1]Chalak A and Abiad M,How effective is information provision inshaping food safety related purchasing decisions?Evidence from achoice experiment in Lebanon.Food Qual Prefer 26:81-92(2012).
本文通过对普通高中学生学习动机与家庭背景进行调查分析,了解学生学习的动机特征和家庭背景状况,探究其二者的关系,从而因材施教,指导和优化教学,培养学生的终生学习意识,提高学生的文化素养,培养学生长久学习能力。  一、学习动机与成绩  伴随着 19 世纪中后期现代心理学的创立,心理学家们开始对动机进行了系统化和科学化的研究。注重对动机进行科学实验论证,改进了以往猜想、思维的方式。随之,动机理论也开始走
【摘要】随着教育改革的不断推行,学生的主体地位日益突出,教育实践的主要目的之一,就是培养和提升学生的自主学习能力。在初中英语的教学之中,对学生的口语能力和自主性阅读能力提出了更高的要求。因此,教师必须要及时的转变教学观念,调整教学策略,不断提升学生的主体地位,并采取多种教学方式来增强学生的自主学习能力。  【关键词】初中英语 自主学习 课堂教学  在英语课堂教学之中,学生的自主学习能力是学生根据自
【摘要】教师在教学中起主导作用,学生是学习的主体。教学中,协调好师生的关系,秉承“爱生”、“以生为本”的理念,创设平等、民主、愉悦的教学氛围,是优化英语课堂的宗旨。文章主要从注重兴趣的激发、注重启发和引导、注重探究和实践等三个方面,论述落实三个策略,优化课堂教学的实践体会。  【关键词】初中英语 优化课堂 兴趣 启发 探究  新时期对素质教育是教育教学的宗旨。素质教育,是注重学生身心全面发展、知识
【摘要】教学做合一是陶行知先生提出来的,所谓教学做不是将教、学、做三者分离开来,而是在教学过程中以学生学习为主要参考,而学的过程中要以学生的做为主,在我们的大学英语课堂中,视听说教学更加需要学生将词汇知识以及阅读知识和听说知识三者相互结合起来,培养学生的学习积极性,提高大学英语教学质量。  【关键词】教学做合一 大学英语 视听说  在我们的大学英语视听说教学过程中,运用教学做合一的思想就是培养学生
【摘要】本文分析了不同历史时期翻译理论和翻译思想的发展,发现翻译理论的发展明显地受到人类发展时代的特色影响,从而展现出时代的特色。  【关键词】时代特色 翻译理论  在人类历史过程中,每一门学科的发展都无一例外地受到各个人类历史阶段的影响,打上鲜明的时代烙印。翻译研究和翻译理论同样也紧跟着人类历史发展的步伐,表现出明显的时代特色。  一、翻译理论发展的阶段划分  对翻译理论流派的划分,不同的学者有
【摘要】自谦用语是语言交际中的重要組成部分。自谦作为中华民族的良好美德之一,在我国关于其的表现方式从寒暄语到成语不一而足。而在跨文化交际中,人们在自谦的表达方式上存在着差异。英语国家在此方面的表达较少且存在着许多理解上的误差,造成了许多不准确翻译。本文致力于研究中西方“自谦”表达差异,分析其中原因,并提出更好地应对策略,来减少语用失误。  【关键词】自谦 中西差异 语用失误 应对策略  一、引言 
【摘要】随着国家的不断发展,如今已经完全与世界接轨,我们与世界上不同肤色、不同民族、不同文化背景的交流越来越多,这中间就存在文化差异的问题。因为我们和英语国家所拥有的历史文化不同,生活环境也不一样,因此会产生跨文化交流的文化差异,为了能够更好地进行跨文化沟通,需要了解文化差异。  【关键词】中英交际 文化差异 交流  随着社会地不断发展,我国的各行各业纷纷进入国际化,与国外的人们打交道越来越多,同
【摘要】什么因素能够激活英语写作?什么样的英语课堂才能有效提升英语写作能力?笔者针对这一问题进行了传统模式下的英语写作教学和听说结合模式下的写作教学的实践对比。试图找到问题的根源和解决办法。  【关键词】激活 语言的感知 语言的内化 语言的输出  一、现状分析  英语的听、说、读、写四者密切相关,相互渗透,且相互促进。听和读是领会和理解别人表达的思想,是语言内化的过程;说和写是用言语表达观点和思想
一般来说,人们总是把新年计划当成一次性的理想,并不怎么当回事,一般只坚持头几个月,到春天便回归慵懒、贪食的生活。问题出在哪里呢?也许正在于我们处理这一“年度惯例”的方式上。最常见的新年计划总是惊人的平庸,比如多与亲朋好友交流感情这些老掉牙的话,还不如直接让贺卡公司来写。我敢打赌,没人会对尚未成熟的思想和千篇一律的追求怀有激情。  但也有少数人会在这上面倾注心血,制订真正的、个性化的清单,这可以展露