1前言随着人类对环境保护的重视和对绿色农药的需求增大,农药剂型正朝着水性、粒状、缓释、多功能、省力化和精细化的方向发展,水分散粒剂(wa- ter dispersible granule,WDG)的出现正好适应了这一趋势。国外许多公司对水分散粒剂研究的力度越来越大,而国内水分散粒剂研究处于相对落后的境况。甲硫嘧磺隆是湖南化工研究院新农药创制基地研制的具有知识产权的新型磺酰脲类除
1 Introduction With the emphasis of human beings on environmental protection and the increasing demand for green pesticides, pesticide formulations are moving toward water-based, granular, sustained-release, multi-functional, labor-saving and refined directions. The wa- ter dispersible granule, WDG) just happened to fit this trend. Many foreign companies on the water dispersible granules research efforts more and more, and the domestic water dispersible granules research is in a relatively backward situation. Thiosulfuron is Hunan Chemical Industry Research Institute of new pesticide base developed with the new intellectual property rights of sulfonylurea addition