站在金州体育场——这块被称之为“中国足球福地”的看台上,望着从全国各地聚集而来,现在又默默散去的球迷群体,笔者禁不住仰天而问:中国足球,你究竟还有多少种稀奇古怪的输法?! 经历了那从欢乐之巅骤然跃入痛苦之谷的折磨,承受了终场哨响伊朗队员喜极欲狂、中国球员沉痛退场的强烈对比,熬过了新闻发布会上极度压抑几乎令人窒息的时光,笔者在难以自持的悲愤中自问:中国足球,究竟还会带给中国人多少次这种令人伤心欲碎的悲壮?!
Standing in Golden State Stadium - this is called “Chinese football blessed,” the stands, looking at gathered from across the country, and now quietly dispersed fans groups, I could not help but ask the sky: Chinese football, you Exactly how many kinds of weird losers ?! Experienced the torture that suddenly jumped into the Valley of Pain from the top of joy, endorsed the whistle of the final whistle Iranian team members extremely furious, At a press conference extremely depressed almost suffocating time, I indignant indignation in the author asked: Chinese football, how many times will it bring Chinese heartbroken?