总结2014-2016年在温州眼视光医院用复方托吡卡胺散瞳治疗有效的4例原发性闭角型青光眼(primary angle-closure glaucoma,PACG)急性发作患者的临床及UBM形态学特征.急性闭角型青光眼、慢性闭角型青光眼急性发作各2例.患者均为男性,年龄65~71岁.双眼急性发作3例,单眼急性发作1例.UBM显示单纯性瞳孔阻滞型2例,瞳孔阻滞合并睫状体前位型2例.4例患者3种以上药物治疗无效,滴用毛果芸香碱后眼压无下降甚至升高,改用复方托吡卡胺散瞳治疗后,眼压在3~15小时内进行性下降至21 mmHg以下.4例患者均无明显睫状环阻滞或晶状体不全脱位的表现,发作前房角开放≥180°,发作时全周关闭,散瞳后开放90°~360°,且再次开放位置与发作前基本一致.认为对于急性发作的PACG患者散瞳治疗的指征尚需更多的临床研究和总结.“,”To summarize the clinical and UBM morphological characteristics of 4 cases of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) with acute onset,who were well treated by application of compound tropicamide eye drops,in Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University during a period from 2014 to 2016.All of these 4 patients were men,aged from 65 to 71 years old,including 2 cases of acute PACG and 2 cases of chronic PACG (3 cases of binoculus,1 case of monocular eye).UBM showed that there were 2 cases with simple pupillary block,and 2 cases with pupillary block combined with anteriorly located ciliary body.The intraocular pressure were not controlled with more than 3 kinds of antiglaucoma drugs,even increased by dripping pilocarpine,but all the cases progressively dropped to below 21 mmHg in 3-15 hours while reversing to compound tropicamide.Among them,with no obvious ciliary block or lens subluxation,anterior chamber angle which were opened widely ≥ 180 ° before acute attack and entirely closed while attacking,opened again about 90°-360° after mydriasis accordantly with the open positions before acute attack.More researches are needed for indications of mydriatic treatment for PACG patients with acute onset.