The Role of Teacher , Learner and Material in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning

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  In the past decades, we witnessed the proliferation of English use across the globe and the increase of numbers of English learners. This now gives rise to the concern of the role of a teacher, a learner and material in foreign language teaching and learning.
  With regard to the roles played by an English teacher, the primary respect is that the teacher is obliged to give students an impetus to learn this language. In other words, a teacher serves as a motivation where students are effectively stimulated to master this language with long-term enthusiasm and grit. But what is motivation?Brown offered an answer in his book (2007,p.85): “Motivation is the extent to which you make choices about (a) goals to pursue and (b) the effort you will devote to that pursuit.” For instance, in practical teaching, the use of English in students’ future life, not restricted in career, should be clearly explained to students. When being aware of the function of learning a second language, they are more likely to become motivated and persist in a purpose-oriented learning. Thus, the learning results can be better guaranteed.
  Apart from this, a teacher is expected to help disseminate a new culture to his students.Language learning is more of mastering this language itself. That is to say, technically, language learning matters more in expansion of one’s horizon and development of insight into the world.Knowing cultures and customs of different countries, a student could be more completed in terms of knowledge accumulation and outlooks. Based on the current criteria of an all-around skilled person, one with knowledge only cannot excel among his peers or job applicants.What plays a more crucial role is the mastery of integrated capacity, comprising knowledge and insight.Having access to a new culture enables a person to view the world from a different perspective.Accordingly, his experience and insight would differentiate him from others and thus provide more opportunities in return.
  When it comes to the role of a foreign language learner, one should regard himself or herself as a user. In other words, the acquisition of a language relies on repetitive use, instant feedback and modification so as to realize improvement and even perfection.Unfortunately, during my 10-year teaching experience, I witness loads of students learn English in a hope of passing the test rather than using it in their daily routine. When targeting on test, learners may make it a point to learn grammar, do intensive reading and written exercise. It is necessary indeed. But considering the core function of a language, we could reach an agreement——communication.So needless to say, these learners are disorientated.On the contrary, if they attach importance to comprehensive ability, including listening, speaking, reading and writing, and use English frequently in practical communication, the result may exceed expectation.As Lee and Wallace indicated in their experiment about flipped class (2017,p.17): “Students in the flipped group appeared to be more invested not only in the process but also in their final products.”   Turning to the materials in learning and teaching, they serve as resources and guides to a large extent. With the diversity of resources and channels, say internet, radio as well as printed books, language learners now can reach a wide range of learning materials readily, which allow them to practise in authentic contexts. This greatly facilitates the learning process. Plus, authorized materials can work as guides who direct the learns to the right course by offering samples. The renowned series New Concept English is a case in point. By reading or listening to the conversations in textbooks, learners can be aware of the use of specific word, phrase and grammar, then imitate the speakers in the form of role-play.After imitating and practising over and over again, one may pick up this language spontaneously.Hence, in the acquisition of a new language, materials are rather essential.
  [1]Brown,H.Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (4th ed).New York:Addison Wesley Longman,Inc,2000.
【摘要】我国从小学三年级开始开设英语课程,意在培养学生的英语认知和语感。在实际教学中,英语教师应针对不同年龄的学生选择不同的教学内容、采用不同的教学方法,尊重学生语言学习的客观规律,充分体现英语教学的趣味性和知识性。本文以Story time板块的教学价值为切入点,详细分析板块教学中存在的问题并提出若干解决措施,力求为英语教学的良好开展增添助力。  【关键词】课本插图;Story time板块;客
【摘要】高中英语学科包括了听、说、读、写四个方面的锻炼。微课在英语教学中的应用,有着重要价值,其短小精悍的视频内容更容易吸引学生注意力,可满足学生移动学习需求。同时,可为学生提供语言讲解型、情境应用型、学习技巧型等不同类型的微课学习资源,令学生英语知识水平有所提高,慢慢学会自主学习。  【关键词】英语教学;微课;应用  【作者简介】李灿爱,宁夏育才中学。  高中英语课堂教学尚存在着一些问题,部分学
【摘要】词汇是组成语言的重要元素,是语言学习的重要组成部分。而语境有利于语言理解,有助于词汇习得。笔者通过探讨词汇教学在初中英语阶段所存在的问题,并结合语境理论提出了相应的改良措施,希望通过运用语境理论创设合适的语境以提高初中英语词汇教学,让学生在课堂上置身于真实交际的语境中,从而对所学词汇的含义有更深刻的理解,提高学生的语言运用能力。  【关键词】 词汇教学;词汇习得;语境理论  【作者简介】余
【摘要】词汇是英语学习的基础,有研究发现在掌握5000个词汇就能够理解97%的英文内容。由此可见,词汇可以说是英语学习的“细胞”。原型范畴理论是认知语言学下的重要理论之一,其认为词汇具有“家族相似性”。在原型范畴理论视角下的英语词汇教学,重视多义词的教学,利用思维导图等教学方式,将有效提高我国当前的英语词汇教学效率,促进我国英语教学事业的发展。  【关键词】原型范畴理论;词汇教学;英语教学  【作
【摘要】英语作为一门实践性较强的学科,其语言功能决定了英语课程要逐渐满足于生活化需求,其中口语交际能力对提高高中同学们综合运用语言能力起着重要的作用。本文针对高中同学们英语生活化学习能力的培养提出了可行性的策略。  【关键词】高中生;英语口语;生活化学习;培养策略  【作者简介】袁一鼎,广东省湛江市第五中学。  引言  新课程标准明确要求高中英语课程的主要目标是培养同学们的综合语言运用能力,特别注
【摘要】英语教学需要通过加强听、说、读、写训练的方式,提高学生综合语言运用能力。小学英语绘本阅读作为小学英语阅读的重要组成,发挥着重要的作用。教师在教学的过程当中逐渐将故事绘本作为阅读材料,拓展学生的阅读面,提高学生的阅读兴趣。本文主要探究小学英语绘本阅读中开放性问题的合理设计,希望对更好地发挥小学英语绘本阅读的作用,提高英语绘本阅读课程的教学效果有所帮助。  【关键词】小学英语;绘本阅读课程;开
【摘要】现代素质教育不仅要求改革教学方式,还要求教师在家庭作业方面做出相应的设计。对于初中英语的家庭作业设计,需要英语教师从英语教学的基本要点出发,既能够吸引学生兴趣,还能锻炼学生在听力、阅读以及写作方面的能力,培养他们自主学习的习惯,促进他们全面发展,掌握核心素养。  【关键词】初中英语;家庭作业;设计;探索  【作者简介】戴建梅,河北省沧州市第八中学。  在传统的英语教学中,教师一般都会给学生
【摘要】自中国加入WTO以来,我国的文化交流方式越来越趋向于国际化。而中国传统文化与西方文化事实上存在诸多差异,为了让中职学生更好地了解中西方文化的特点,各大中职学校在英语教学当中特意开设了跨文化化交际相关的培训课程,其根本用意旨在提高学生的国际化交际能力,使他们在未来能够更加适应激烈的市场竞争环境。对此,本文就中职英语教学中的跨文化交际教学进行简要的探究与分析。  【关键词】中职英语教学;扩文化