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为了达到传授业务,推动工作,互相学习共同提高的目的,自一九五九年我县建立了学习辅导站以来(共三处),每月上站学习一次,两年以来,这个学习组织,对提高干部水平促进档案工作的开展发挥了很大作用。一九六一年以来,我们遵照“总结经验、巩固成绩、改进作风、提高水平”的指示精神,全面的分析了我县档案工作情况,找出了薄弱环节,虽然问题是多方面的,但其主要的是档案干部政治和业务水平低,工作中缺乏总结经验。所以我们紧紧抓住整顿学习组织、改进学习方法、进一步提高档案干部的思想和业务水平,认真总结工作经验。为了彻底解决上述存在的问题,使档案干部在政治上业务水平上更进一步提高,继续采取分期分批分片上站学习的方法,组织全县四十八名档案干部上站进行了学习。从一月二十一日开始,到二十六日止,分两期传达了县委办公室关于一九六一年档案工作安排和研究了一九六○年文件的立卷方法和现行文书处理 In order to achieve the goal of imparting business, promoting work and learning from one another, we have been studying at the station once a month since our founding of a learning counseling station in 1959. Since two years ago, this study organization, To improve the level of cadres to promote the work of the file has played a significant role. Since 1961, in accordance with the directives of “summing up experience, consolidating achievements, improving style, and improving standards”, we have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the work of archives in our county and identified the weak links. Although the problems are manifold, The main thing is that cadres of files have low levels of political and professional work and lack of experience in their work. Therefore, we firmly grasp the rectification of learning organizations, improve learning methods, and further improve the ideology and professional level of cadres of files, and earnestly summarize our work experience. In order to completely solve the problems mentioned above, the file cadres were further upgraded in their political level of operation and continued to adopt the method of studying by stages and on-chip, and organized 48 cadres of the entire county to study on the station. Starting from January 21, up to the 26th, the county office’s documentary arrangements for 1961 and study of the document for the year 1960 and the current document processing were conveyed in two phases
BACKGROUND: Cholinergic deficits are prominent in patients who have dementia associated with Parkinson s disease. We investigated the effects of the dual c ho