Results of our investigation showed that occurrence frequency of Pi2 over a 24 hour period undergoes seasonal variations in time coincidence with f0F2. In the winter months, at sunrise and sunset (when f0F2 gradients are the largest) the observation probability of these oscillations is minimal. At periods of summer solstice when the F2-layer persists almost round the clock, no effect of Pi2 pulsation attenuation is observed at sunrise and sunset. The pulsation amplitudes behave in a similar manner. Results of this study suggest the conclusion that the propagation of signal from the Pi2 sourse into the mid-latitudes, and also the parameters of these pulsations are essentially affected by electron density in the ionospheric F2-layer.
Results of our investigation showed that occurrence frequency of Pi2 over a 24 hour period undergoes seasonal variations in time coincidence with f0F2. In the winter months, at sunrise and sunset (when f0F2 gradients are the largest) the observation probability of these oscillations is minimal. At periods of summer solstice when the F2-layer persists almost round the clock, no effect of Pi2 pulsation attenuation is observed at sunrise and sunset. The pulsation amplitudes behave in a similar manner. Results of the study suggest the conclusion that the propagation of signal from the Pi2 sourse into the mid-latitudes, and also the parameters of these pulsations are essentially affected by electron density in the ionospheric F2-layer.