乌崩村书 散文

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早年,读到著名诗人臧克家的《三代》:孩子/在土里洗澡;爸爸/在土里流汗;爷爷/在土里埋葬。身为世袭的农家之子,当时,会以为自己也将成为诗中三代人其中的一代,在土里洗过澡,流过汗后,最后安眠于村后长满松树、麻栗树的山上的两尺红土里。那时,站在家门前,面对经年耕种过的熟地肥土,每个农人都能看到自己的前世、今生和来生。在那样每年均由农历二十四节气划分得一目了然的岁月,人们自种自耕而食,自纺自织而 Early years, read the famous poet Zang Kejia’s “three generations”: children / bath in the soil; father / sweat in the soil; grandfather / buried in the soil. At that time, as a hereditary farm son, he thought he would also become one of the three generations in the poem, having bathed in the earth and sweating, and finally sleeping in the village, covered with pine trees and hills of the chestnut tree Two feet of red soil. At that time, standing in front of the house, each farmer could see his past life, this life, and the afterlife in the face of mature land fertilized by years of cultivation. In that way, the year of the Lunar New Year is divided by the Lunar New Year’s Day solar terms. People live by themselves and feed themselves,
<正> 在浩瀚的汉语中,人们一定知道“旗鼓”、“鸣金收兵”吧!这里的旗、鼓、金就是古代将帅指挥作战的基本工具。在波澜壮阔的战争史上,旗、鼓、金扮演了重要的角色。旗,是
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图中大正方形由九个小方格组成,现要取一个面积为大正方形的九分之二,使取出的正方形中和剩下的部分都有2016字样,该如何取? The large square in the figure is made up of