挪威Prox Dynamics公司研制出一款迄今世界上最微小的直升机。这款直升机的体积只有一个香烟盒大小,持续飞行时间约25分钟,未来可用于间谍活动或战场侦察。这款被命名为“PD-100黑黄蜂”的微小直升机由一台微型电动机来驱动。其发动机叶片只有4英
Prox Dynamics Norway has developed one of the world's youngest helicopters so far. The volume of this helicopter is only a cigarette box size, duration of flight about 25 minutes, the future can be used for espionage or battlefield reconnaissance. This tiny helicopter named “PD-100 Black Wasp” is powered by a miniature motor. Its engine blades are only 4 inches