
来源 :西安政治学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjiajun75
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军事法治文化认同,即国家、军队、军人和公民就军事法治的价值确认、精神信仰和制度建设达成共识。在价值维度上,突出以法治促进军队战斗力生成,捍卫国家安全,构建军事秩序,维护军人权益,保障军事正义。在信仰维度上,强化法治信仰和法治思维,让法治精神、法治理念深入人心,使军人将纪律、勇敢、荣誉视为最可宝贵的精神品格。在制度维度上,良法和善治是军事法治文化认同的基本途径:良法为行为者提供了遵循的规则体系;善治则从法的组织实施和运行机制方面保障规则体系得以真正被遵守。 Cultural identification of military rule of law means that the state, the army, the military and citizens will reach consensus on the value recognition of the military rule of law, spiritual belief and system construction. In the value dimension, highlighting the rule of law to promote the formation of the military combat effectiveness, safeguarding national security, building a military order, safeguarding the rights and interests of military personnel and safeguarding military justice. In the faith dimension, strengthening the belief in the rule of law and thinking of the rule of law, let the rule of law, the concept of the rule of law deeply rooted in the hearts of people, so that soldiers will discipline, bravery, honor as the most valuable spiritual character. On the institutional dimension, good law and good governance are the basic approaches to the cultural identity of the military rule of law: good law provides the actors with a system of rules to follow; and good governance sets the rules of the system of rules to be truly observed from the perspective of the organization and operation of the law.
孔子“唯女子与小人难养”、“愚民”政策、“中庸”之道的贬义性几乎成为历史定 案。通过考证,阐明孔子并没有把“女子”与“小人”等同之义,“愚民”政策也非孔子的 本义,“中
“一曰”是许慎分析汉字形、音、义的重要训释体例 :一、言义者 ,二、言形者 ,三、言声者 ,四、兼言数项 “Yi Yue” is an important explanation for Xu Shen’s analysis
为了研究不同光照强度、温度对黑鲷(Acantho pagrusschlegelii)(♀)×真鲷(Pagrosomus major)(♂)杂交F1代受精卵孵化效果及仔鱼存活的影响,作者采用试验生态学的方法比较不