随着俄罗斯汽车市场对外国新车需求的不断增加,俄将成为中国汽车业最有潜力的出口市场之一,而汽车售后市场也将随之成为吸引中国企业的诱人“蛋糕”。 2005年的最后一天,中国国家主席胡锦涛和俄罗斯总统普京互致新年贺电,并正式启动中国“俄罗斯年”。据悉,中国“俄罗斯年”共包括250多场活动,涵盖多个领域,其中包括一部分汽车行业的技术和信息交流及贸易
With the increasing demand for foreign new cars in Russia’s automobile market, Russia will become one of the most potential export markets for China’s automobile industry, and the automobile aftermarket will also become an attractive “cake” for attracting Chinese enterprises. On the last day of 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Putin exchanged messages of congratulation on the New Year and officially launched the “Year of Russia” in China. It is reported that China’s “Year of Russia,” a total of more than 250 activities, covering many areas, including some of the automotive industry technology and information exchange and trade