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  Worldwide Harmony要the Emblem of the Twenty-Fourth Seoul Olympics
  In 1988, Seoul witnessed the 24th Olympic Games with the theme of “Worldwide Harmony”. At the same time, the emblem of the Seoul Olympics was well-known for the sam-taeguk(三太极) pattern. The sam-taeguk pattern is made by three main colors which represent “the Sky, the Ground and the People” and is a traditional Korean pattern that often be used to represent Korean in the international situation. The emblem has two forms, centripetal (外旋) and centrifugal (内旋). The centrifugal motion represents the world’s boom while the centripetal motion stands for (代表) the gathering of worldwide people in Korean, thus symbolising (象征) worldwide harmony.
  Take Part in History要the Emblem of the Twenty -Third Los Angeles
  Olympics 参与历史要要第23 届洛杉矶奥运会会徽
  In 1984, with the theme of “Take Part in History”, Los Angeles hold a significance (重大意义的) Olympics the second time. In this year, in this Olympic playground, the Chinese team returned to the family of the Olympics after the former Los Angeles Olympics. The emblem of the Olympics is trying to encourage people to make greater history. The star is a symbol of the highest dream of the human. And the horizontal bars describe the pushfulness (冲劲) of the athletes pursuing the win, while the repetition (重复) of the star shape the spirit of equal competition between the outstanding sportsmen.
宾语从句是初中阶段的主要语法项目之一,也是中考英语的一项重要测试内容。本文主要结合近两年各地中考试题对宾语从句的高频考点进行了归纳和总结。  一、引导词  首先看下面几道中考题:(注:粗体加横线选项为正确答案。)  1. If you watch carefully, you can see________the man does the trick with the cards. (2011?徐
3月15日,全国两会落下帷幕。来自全国各地的全国人大代表、全国政协委员以高度的政治责任感和历史使命感,为民代言、尽心履职,写下民主、团结、求实、奋进的新篇章。  今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,是全面建成小康社会、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的关键之年。越是在这样的时候,越需要我们增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,万众一心,团结奋斗,战胜前进道路上的种种风险
If you want to be a polite guest at an American dinner party, you are supposed to do these things.  Firstly, you are supposed to buy a small gift such as flowers or wine to your host or hostess.  Seco
Hello, everyone!I’m glad to be here to talk about some differences between English students and Chinese students. In England, students go to school by bike or on school buses. After school, they usual
I think going to school by bike is good for us.  First of all, riding to school is a wonderful way to exercise and it’s good for our health. Next, it’s fun to ride together with friends every day. Wha
摘要 近年来,随着社会不断的发展,互联网技术更新与发展的速度也越来越快,通讯领域当中,网络运行的速度也在不断加快,如今,4G通信技术已经被广泛应用于人们的日常生活当中。随着技术的不断更新,在改变人们生活方式的同时,生活需求也在不断提高,如今4G通信技术已经无法再满足于人们的日常生活需求,5G通信技术也进入了快速的发展阶段,更是未来的主流发展趋势。  关键词 5G移动通信技术;物联网应用  引言  
Ⅰ. 按要求改写下列句子。  1. I had a wonderful time at the party. (改为  感叹句)  ______ ______ ______ ______ I had at the party!  2. This idea sounds so amazing. (改为感叹句)  ______ ______ this idea sounds!  3. “The par
摘 要 在戏剧影视表演中,行动是最为重要的部分,其中表演者的外在行动不单拥有独自的表现,同时对台词亦有影响。戏剧影视表演中的外在行动主要是通过四肢、脸部、腰部和背部等身体部位进行表现,而内在行动则表现了角色的情感,加强与观众之间的共鸣,同时丰富了场景和推动情节走向。本文通过分析戏剧影视表演中行动的相关要素,探究更加有效的表演方式。  关键词 戏剧影视 表演 行动  行动代表了人们的思维和想法,因此
聽力材料:  一、听力测试(共三节)  第一节听下面4个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后,你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。  Text 1 Why was Paul late?  Text 2 Would you mind my opening the door?  Text 3 How do you like th