
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:otherwang
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根据对广州及武汉二个军区的了解情况,现将有关开展中药工作中的几个问题提出来,供同志们参考。关于中药房的开办问题广州军区的绝大部分医院中药品种已在200种以上,许多医院都建立了中药房。武汉军区的大部分医院也已建立了中药房,基本上能自配本单位的处方。开办中药房的好处,主要是能节省很多时间,而且药材供应比较有保证,价钱也比市价要便宜40-50%。此外,药房有数百种药材,通过加工、调配等各种实践,更便于贯彻“边学边用和边用边学”的原则,使理论和实际密切结合起来,这对药工人员中药知识的提高很有帮助。开设中药房常碰到的问题主要有三个:经费、人员和设备。解决这三个问题难不难呢?有的人认为很难,所以中药房迟迟到今天还没有搞起来。从上述两个军区开设中药房的情况来看,其中确有困难,但只要发动群众, According to the understanding of the two military regions in Guangzhou and Wuhan, several issues in the development of traditional Chinese medicine work are now proposed for reference by comrades. About the start-up problem of pharmacies The majority of hospitals in the Guangzhou Military Region have more than 200 kinds of Chinese medicines, and many hospitals have established pharmacies. Most of the hospitals in the Wuhan Military Region have also established pharmacies and can basically self-provision their own prescriptions. The benefits of starting a pharmacy are mainly to save a lot of time, and the availability of medicinal herbs is guaranteed, and the price is 40-50% cheaper than the market price. In addition, there are hundreds of medicines in the pharmacy. Through various practices such as processing and deployment, it is easier to implement the principle of “learning while using and learning while using,” so that theory and practice can be closely combined. This is for pharmacists. The improvement of Chinese medicine knowledge is helpful. There are three main problems encountered in opening a pharmacy: funds, personnel, and equipment. It is difficult to solve these three problems? Some people think it is difficult, so the pharmacy has not been implemented till today. From the perspective of the establishment of pharmacies in the above two military regions, there are indeed difficulties, but as long as the people are mobilized,
20 0 0年 1 2月 1 7日 ,由中国包装技术协会委托、浙江大学研究生院举办、中国振动工程学会包装动力学专业委员会协办的全国首届包装工程方向研究生课程进修班结业颁证典礼 ,
东平县水河公社梁林大队在开展爱国卫生运动中狠抓卫生宣传工作。他们针对群众中的不卫生习惯,举办了学习班,并且利用图片展览、出黑板 The Lianglin Brigade of the Shuih