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定西县城不足6万人,储蓄网点就有40多个,同业竞争非常激烈。工行火车站储蓄所位于县城东北角城乡结合部,处在农行、建行、中行三家网点之中。自年轻的共产党员刘亚静任所主任以来,她从加强内部管理,提高服务质量等处着手,坚持主动出击,多方了解储源信息,有力地促进了该所储蓄存款余额的上升。截止去年底,该所储蓄存款余额达2378万元,1995年净增452万元,完成年任务的174%。由于她工作成绩突出,近年来先后5次被地区中心支行、县支行评为先进工作者。刘亚静在多年的储蓄工作中深深体会到,没有严格细致的管理工作,就不会有使顾客满意的优质服务。对储户来说,服务是第一位的;而对于服务,管理却是首位的。所以在储蓄所的服务工作中,不仅要求职工重视接人待物的方式方法,更要重视核算准确,保证质量,以管理促服务。有一次,刘亚静发现有一位接柜员尽管手底下麻利,但口才不太好,对储户的解答,有些储户听不清楚,柜面宣传工作也不太理想。她在做好这位接柜员思想工作的基础上,将一位善于宣传、解答而又技术素质好的同志换到了接柜位置。 Dingxi County less than 60,000 people, there are more than 40 savings outlets, competition with the industry is very fierce. ICBC Railway Station Savings County is located in the northeast corner of the county urban and rural areas, in the Agricultural Bank of China, Construction Bank, Bank of China among the three outlets. Since the younger Communist Party member Liu Ya-jing has been the director, she has taken the initiative to strengthen the internal management and improve the quality of service. She has actively learned various sources of information about the reserve and effectively promoted the increase in the balance of savings deposits. As of the end of last year, the balance of savings deposits reached 23.78 million yuan, a net increase of 4.52 million yuan in 1995, completing 174% of annual tasks. Due to her outstanding performance, she has successively been rated as advanced worker by regional center branch and county branch five times in recent years. Liu Yajing in many years of savings work deeply realized that without strict and meticulous management, there will be no customer satisfaction to provide quality services. For depositors, service is number one, and service is the number one priority. Therefore, in the service work of the savings bank, it not only requires employees to pay attention to the ways and means of receiving gifts, but also needs to attach importance to accurate accounting, quality assurance, and management and promotion of services. Once, Liu Yajing found a teller despite the curse, but the eloquence is not very good, the solution to the depositors, some depositors can not hear clearly, counter propaganda work is not very satisfactory. On the basis of ideological work of the teller, she changed a comrade who is good at propaganda, solution and good technical quality to the position of receptionist.