In the thirties of this century, as a famous man in the literary world last week, I did not read his essay and can not say I admire him. But we have had the one-off deal, is unforgettable. In 1935 I was studying at the third grade of Western Literature Department of Tianjin Nankai University. That winter vacation I went to Tokyo, Japan to visit relatives, back to school by the end of August school. Take a train from Tokyo to Kobe and take a ferry back to Tianjin from Kobe. On the ship I met Zhou Zuoren and his Japanese wife Yu Hatakazi. At that time, the ferries between Tianjin and Kobe were only three vessels operated by Japan’s Osaka Mercantile Marine Co., Ltd.: Changwon Pills, Changan Pills, and Changjiang Pills. The size of the three boats are the same shape, but about two thousand tons. Although not very large, but larger than China Merchants Steamship at the time. In contrast, the Japanese ship clean and tidy, cheap fare class is divided into first-class second-class Third-class third-class unlike China