There is a misunderstanding in the current field of philosophical theory in that philosophical research may be solved only if the latest philosophical terms are invoked in philosophical studies and the old philosophical problems may be solved To advance. In fact, this is a simplistic view of philosophical research and is very harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the theoretical issues existing in foreign philosophy, Chinese philosophy and Marxist philosophy. Part of the problem of philosophical research comes from real life, and the other part comes from a large number of unresolved theoretical problems left over by the predecessors. Of course, some of these problems may never be reunified with one another and will never be solved. However, a considerable number of problems can be solved through deep thinking. There are different types of these problems: some are caused by improper translation and can be solved by re-translation of the original. Some are inherently false. If the detailed analysis is carried out, the problem itself Some problems are caused by logical contradictions and misuses; some problems are caused by misunderstandings in the meaning of concepts; the problems are solved; some problems have long been caused by the lack of understanding or Carelessness; others are problems that we can not see in the traditional framework of philosophical thinking, and the implications behind the new philosophical thinking are presented. Therefore, putting aside a major theoretical issue for philosophical research does not mean solving this issue. In fact, as long as this issue has not been resolved by us, our philosophical thinking will remain in the state of “the former question.” Although philosophical research must also pay close attention to the latest trends in philosophical developments and the latest genres, the true impetus to philosophical research is not simply citation of new terminology, but by our keen awareness of new problems emerging in real life, Rely on our painstaking thinking and solution to the major theoretical issues left behind. For this reason, we hereby open up the column entitled “Philosophical Reflections” and hope more scholars will participate in the discussion in order to promote the Chinese philosophical research to a new level. *