过去在城市医院里从不过问药价,这次下乡自己背一个药箱到生产队巡回医疗,既要负责诊病,又要负责司药和收钱,才知道原来诺瓦而精片是7分一粒,撒烈痛片是5分,凡拉蒙4分,APC 1.5分。同是止痛药,性质上大同小异,我们往往就选择一些便宜的药开给病人。抗菌素与维生素的应用,我们严格地掌握适应症,有些病,可以用抗菌素,又可以用磺胺类药的,我们就选择了后者。能吃普通饮食且没有什么慢性不愈合伤口的病人,我们根本不用
In the past in the city hospital never asked about drug prices, this time to go back to the countryside a medical kit to tour the team medical treatment, it is necessary for medical treatment, but also responsible for the Secretary of medicine and money, I realized that the original Nova and fine film is 7 points a tablet, spit film is 5 points, 4 points Ramon, APC 1.5 points. The same painkillers, in nature more or less the same, we tend to choose some cheaper medicine to the patient. Antibiotics and vitamins, we strictly control the indications, some diseases, you can use antibiotics, but also with sulfa drugs, we chose the latter. We can eat normal diet and no chronic non-healing wound patients, we do not need