In this paper, ~ (59) Co-NMR spectra of several cobalt (Ⅲ) chelates were directly determined by pulsed Fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The effect of solvent, concentration and temperature on the ~ (59) Co spectrum was observed. The optical and geometrical isomers of chelates were identified by ~ (59) Co spectra. For the Co (± pn) _3Cl_3 complexes, △ (λλλ) and Λ (δδδ) δ_ (fac), followed by △ (λλδ) and Λ (δδλ). Thirteen isotope isomers of Co_ (en) _3Cl_3 from D_0 to D_ (12) were identified, each of which was shifted to ~5.4 ppm in the high field for each H / D exchange The factors influencing the direction and size of isotope displacement and the additive properties of isotopic displacements are also discussed. The chemical equilibrium isotope effect is also discussed.