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目的:构建晚期心力衰竭患者缓和照护需求评估指标体系,以期为晚期心力衰竭患者的缓和医疗实施提供评估工具。方法:基于文献分析、质性访谈、专家小组会议初步确定晚期心力衰竭患者缓和医疗评估指标体系初稿,于2020年9—10月邀请15名从事临床心血管病治疗护理、从事缓和医疗领域的相关专家进行2轮专家咨询,综合专家意见、指标满分率和变异系数确定各级评价指标。结果:专家权威系数为0.90,2轮咨询专家的积极系数为75%和100%;2轮函询后的专家意见协调系数均在0.30左右,最终形成包括生理需求、心理需求、社会需求、灵性需求和善终准备需求共5个一级指标、13个二级指标和68个三级指标的晚期心力衰竭患者缓和照护需求评估指标体系。结论:构建的晚期心力衰竭患者缓和照护需求评估指标体系具有较强的科学性、可靠性,可为晚期心力衰竭患者的缓和照护实施提供评估工具。“,”Objective:To construct an index system for evaluating the needs of patients with advanced heart failure for palliative care, so as to provide an evaluation tool for the implementation of palliative care for patients with advanced heart failure.Methods:Based on literature analysis, qualitative interviews, and expert group meetings, the first draft of the palliative medical evaluation index system for patients with advanced heart failure was initially determined. From September to October 2020, 15 experts engaged in clinical cardiovascular disease treatment and nursing, and palliative medicine were invited to conduct two rounds of expert consultation. We combined expert opinions, index full score rate and coefficient of variation to determine evaluation indexes at all levels.Results:The expert authority coefficient was 0.90, and expert positive coefficients of the two rounds of consultation were 75% and 100%.The coordination coefficients of expert opinions after two rounds of consultation were both around 0.30. The final index system for evaluating the needs of patients with advanced heart failure for palliative care included 5 first-level indicators involving physical needs, psychological needs, social needs, spiritual needs, and hospice preparation needs, as well as 13 second-level indicators, 68 third-level indicators.Conclusions:The constructed index system for evaluating the needs of patients with advanced heart failure for palliative care is scientific and reliable, which can provide an evaluation tool for the implementation of palliative care for patients with advanced heart failure.
在遥远的早侏罗纪,云南禄丰古老的大地上,一头巨大的恐龙轰然倒下……它后来变成了化石,1.95亿年后被我们挖了出来。但是我们很快就发现这些化石有点特别,化石表面有奇怪的网状结构遗迹,这是过去从未发现的,到底是谁动了恐龙的骨头?  变成化石不简单  从骨骼到化石的过程中间会经历很多事情,这些事件都会在化石表面留下遗迹。比如,肉食动物在杀死猎物以后,很可能会在猎物的骨头上留下啃咬的痕迹——齿痕。路过的大
A Memorable Experience The seaside town of Kilkeel is picturesque,with its pretty boats in the harbour and attractive streets.The sunsets over the golden sand a
一丝不苟,从容洒脱。告别前,卫兴华教授应约为记者待出版的专著《中国经济智囊》一书题签书名。那运笔的神情,一如他在接受采访时所留下的那种亲切、严肃、平实、勤奋、独立不移的形象,始终刻印在记者心头。  (一)有一位不曾见面的伟大导师对自己影响最大  在理论界,讲真话难,因为许多人都喜欢跟风说话;在经济理论界,讲真话更难,因为许多人都基于经济利益而有选择地说话;在理论经济学界,讲真话最难,因为少数人既跟