洪帮历史概况洪门在中国有300多年的历史,相传由南明抗清名将郑成功创立。当时,洪门的组织虽然很严密,但缺乏章程与规范,这个时期的洪门多少带有“革命”的性质。此后,由于帮会分子成分复杂,良莠不齐,其组织逐渐发生了质变,尤其是抗日战争时期, 竟成了敌伪残害人民的帮凶。现将有关情况分述如下: 反清复明时期明永历十五年(1661年),郑成功带领战船 300多艘,将士25000人,从厦门出发,经澎湖向台湾进发,欲收回被荷兰殖民者侵占的台湾。经过9个月的围攻,荷兰总督揆
Hong Bang history profile Hong door in China has more than 300 years of history, according to legend by the Ming Ming Ching Ming founded the South Ming. At that time, although the organization of Hongmen was very tight, it lacks regulations and norms and the number of “revolutionary” in this period is somewhat “revolutionary.” Since then, the composition of the gang has been complicated and varies greatly. The organization has undergone qualitative changes gradually. Especially during the period of the Anti-Japanese War, it has become the accomplice of the people who have desecrated the enemy. The relevant information is as follows: During the Anti-Ching Ming Period In the 15th year of the Ming Dynasty (1661), Zheng Chenggong led more than 300 warships and 25,000 soldiers from Xiamen to Penghu to Taiwan for the recovery of the Dutch colonists Occupied Taiwan. After nine months of siege, the Dutch governor 揆