Neighborhood Carpooling Project in Changqing Community in Wuhan City

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dannananjing31306111
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In the light of the increasingly severe traffic congestion in the city, the rising number of private cars on the road and the low occupancy rate of those cars, this paper explores the current legal obstacles to carpooling and proposes “neighborhood carpooling” as an innovative mobility project aimed at alleviating traffic pressure in the areas around residential districts and reducing the use of private cars. The paper begins by introducing the preparatory investigation, consultation and scheme design process, and then elaborates on the series of measures undertaken to ensure that the project runs smoothly, including the formulation and distribution of the proposal, establishment of carpooling stations, registration and management of carpooling information, signing of the voluntary undertakings, design of the carpooling stickers and encouragement of public participation through the media. The analysis of different data on the actual practice of carpooling and the results of the media survey shows that the “neighborhood carpooling” project can indeed reduce private car use and has achieved certain social benefits through media publicity. Finally, the paper points out that with the guarantee of the two-level management system involving the community administrative committee and the residents’ committees, effective community organization is the key to the successful operation of the project. In the light of the more severe traffic congestion in the city, the rising number of private cars on the road and the low occupancy rate of those cars, this paper explores the current legal obstacles to carpooling and proposition. “Neighborhood carpooling” as an innovative mobility project aimed at alleviating traffic pressure in the areas around residential districts and reducing the use of private cars. The paper begins by introducing the preparatory investigation, consultation and scheme design process, and then elaborates on the series of measures undertaken to ensure that the project runs smoothly, including the formulation and distribution of the proposal, establishment of carpooling stations, registration and management of carpooling information, signing of the voluntary undertakings, design of the carpooling stickers and encouragement of public participation through the media. The analysis of different data on the actual practice of carpooling and the results of the media survey shows that the “neighborhood carpooling ” project can indeed reduce private car use and has achieved certain social benefits through media publicity. Finally, the paper points out that with the guarantee of the two-level management system involving the community administrative committee and the residents’ committees, effective community organization is the key to the successful operation of the project.
人人都向往一份轻松又好玩的工作。22岁的英国男子贾米·福克斯从大学音乐专业毕业后,由于工作难找,只好受聘到一块农田中从事起“真人版稻草人”的工作。这份古怪的工作每周能给他带来250英镑的收入。  据雇用福克斯的农夫威廉·扬斯称,成群的鹧鸪经常到他的油菜田中啄食嫩叶,导致油菜只剩下茎干而死,使他损失惨重。而现在的飞鸟仿佛也变聪明了,传统的田间稻草人根本起不到威吓它们的作用,甚至放鞭炮也无法吓跑这些贪