在审计战线上,有无数个为审计事业默默奉献的审计人,刘文磊就是其中的一位。他以过硬的业务能力,在繁重的审计工作中把自己打造成一位名副其实的“审计铁人”。开拓创新尽职尽责 2003年以来,刘文磊先后任内蒙古自治区审计厅经贸审计处、社会保障审计处和财政审计处处长职务。无论在哪个处室工作,他都身先士卒,始终如一地带领审计人员团结一致,积极进取。面对企业电算化水平较高、企业审计手段相对滞后的实际问
On the audit front, there are countless auditors who silently dedication to the audit, Liu Wenlei is one of them. With his excellent business ability, he has built himself up as a veritable “auditor” in the heavy auditing work. Since 2003, Liu Wenlei successively held the positions of Economic and Trade Auditing Office, Social Security Auditing Office and Chief Financial Auditing Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Auditing Department. Regardless of where he works, he takes the lead and consistently leads the auditors to unite and be proactive. The face of the higher level of computerized business, enterprise audit methods lagging behind the actual question