其实不懂领导的心 难逃一死的军事强人

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绍兴十年(1140年)盛夏的一天,身在临安的高宗接到岳飞的捷报。中原大捷,高宗自然是非常高兴,他立刻召见了宰相秦桧商议下一步的计划。当时高宗的心情可想而知,大宋朝受了金国多少年窝囊气,想到当初自己被金军追得上天无路、入地无门,好几次逃亡海外!现在,终于熬出头了。高宗肯定还会想,要是真能收复幽云十六州,完成太祖、太宗的遗愿,那自己就真是名副其实的中兴之主了……高宗把岳飞大捷的奏报递给秦桧,准备听取秦桧的意见。没想到秦桧面无喜色,反问了高宗三个问题,就这三个问题,不但把高宗说愣了,也断送了岳飞的性命。秦桧的第一个问题就是“岳家军真能消灭金军吗?”高宗陷入沉思。确实,金军的强大是高宗领教过的,宋军的软弱也是 One day in the midsummer of Shaoxing ten years (1140), Emperor Gaozong, who is in Lin’an, received a good news about Yue Fei. Zhongyuan victory, Gaozong naturally very happy, he immediately summoned the prime minister Qin Hui discuss the next step in the plan. At that time, the mood of Emperor Gaozong could be imagined. In the Song Dynasty, when the Golden State suffered many years of depravity, it turned out that he had been chastened by the Jin Army to the groundless pursuit of heaven and left the country several times. Now he finally got out of his head. The High King will certainly think, if it can really recover the Youyun sixteen states, the completion of the Taizu, Taizong’s wishes, that he really is a true ZTE lord ... ... Gao Fei Yue Fei victory handed Qin Bao reported, ready to listen Qin Hui’s opinion. Qin Hui did not expect no color, asked the three high question, on these three issues, not only to stunned the Emperor, but also ruined Yue Fei’s life. Qin Hui’s first question is “Yue Jiajun really destroy the Jin Jun?” "Gaozu into contemplation. Indeed, the strength of the Jin army is taught by the High Emperor, and the weakness of the Song army is also
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