Heat Wave Ends In Eastern U.S.,Kills 49

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1999年初夏的我国的江南地区的梅雨季节竟然大雨倾盆不止,以上海地区为例,其总的降水量为百年以来的历史之最。而在大洋彼岸,美国的东海岸的几个城市,却出现了创记录的持续的高温气候!美国的老百姓享受着世界一流的生活水准,“赤日炎炎似火烧”的时节,人们一定都能躲入空调房里安然领略“秋凉”吧。朋友,你读完本文后就一定会承认,这种设想错了! 本文告诉你:49名美国人因高温丧生。 本文还告诉你:费城有22位老人死于高温天气!他们家中也许有空调,但因付不起高昂的电费而不敢使用空调;他们家中也许不乏宽轩亮商,但因担心盗贼破“窗”而入,而宁可热死家中也不敢洞开窗户。悲哉! “火上浇油”的是,不少发电厂因超负荷而停电。停电时间之长,甚至引起了政府官员的不满,纽约市的政府官员就准备“告”电力公司。 本文行文自然,措辞简单。许多描写炎热天气的词汇同时出现于本文。本文还告诉我们一个非常重要的常识: 100 degrees Fahrenheit=38 degrees Celsius。(我国使用后者计量温度) 本文还有一个常用重要词汇:outage(自来水、电力、燃用气等的断供期)。 In the early summer of 1999, in the rainy season in the Jiangnan region of China, the heavy rains poured into the water. In Shanghai, for example, the total precipitation was the highest in history since 100 years. On the other side of the ocean, several cities on the east coast of the United States have recorded a record high temperature! The people of the United States enjoy a world-class standard of living. “It’s like burning fire on a hot day.” People will surely be able to escape into the air-conditioned room and enjoy the “Autumn Cool”. Friends, you will certainly admit after reading this article, this idea is wrong! This article tells you: 49 Americans died of high temperatures. This article also tells you: Philadelphia has 22 old people who died in hot weather! They may have air-conditioners in their homes, but they can’t afford to use air conditioners because they can’t afford the high electricity bills. They may have a lot of luxuriant merchants in their homes, but they fear that thieves will break into the “window,” and they would rather not die in their homes. . Sadly! The “burning oil” is that many power plants have lost power due to overload. The length of the power outage has even caused dissatisfaction among government officials. New York City government officials are preparing to “sue” the power company. This article is natural and simple in wording. Many words that describe hot weather appear in this article. This article also tells us a very important common sense: 100 degrees Fahrenheit=38 degrees Celsius. (China uses the latter to measure temperature) This article also has a common important vocabulary: outage (off-supply period for tap water, electricity, gas, etc.).
一位美国的神经心理学家David Weeks,花费了10年时间,足迹遍布Britain, Europe and the United States,就一个问题作认真的调查研究。这个问题是:Do you look and feel young
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天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福! 本文主题句囊括了悲剧内客:美国得克萨斯州的A&.M University正在搭建中的一座准备用于感恩节篝火晚会的大型金字塔形建筑突然倒塌,造成9名大学生